Air 04


[Air 04][] is held this weekend on a Swiss Airfield in Payerne. You can bet to find some beautiful photographs very soon either at [this place][] or [that place][]: I know that [lbaum][] is there and he certainly took his camera with him.1

If you want to get a glimpse of what you might see there, have a look at the [timetable][].

Super Constellation, 2004, Christian PapauxAs a side-note: I saw this Breitling Super Constellation ride the skies when I came back from work yesterday. It’s really majestic when this bird is flying over your head, so much different from the jets of today.

Some more info can be found [here][superconnie] and [here][] (At the end).

Update: There will be some great photographs! :)

  1. Listen boy, you have to take photographs, otherwise this post’ll have to be sacked![Air 04]: “Air 04, Payerne”[this place]: “Oelbaum’s Air 04 Photographs”[that place]: “Oelbaum’s Air 04 Photographs”[timetable]: “Air 04 Timetable”[lbaum]: “Oelbaum’s Delirium”[SuperConnie]: “Super Connie Info”[here]: “Oldtimers on display at Air 04” ↩︎


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