Blog Economics


So, you have that blog, merrily spitting out some words if you tell it to do so. Unless … unless you have readers!

With readers, the whole thing changes. Babbling around (like this) isn’t an option anymore: Your readers want content, good, quality content. Suddenly, you cringe over some sordid wording in your last post: Readers might turn away from this shabby, unworthy content you generated since the inception of your blog.

‘Lo, Behold!’, you think first – and are ultimately finding yourself trapped in that vicious circle that makes you tumble, ending in sleepless nights:

‘What could I write?’‘Is this worthy?’‘Will the readers turn away – or will they stay?’ – so goes the merry-go-round once a blogger’s ego has been hit by the blog’s server stats.

Apache httpd is such a mean thing if it starts telling you who on your blogroll is reading your blog! I shouldn’t have read that server log today!


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