DrunkenBlog on Growl


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Over at [DrunkenBlog][], you can find an [interview][] (and some nice screenshots, hint hint) on the [Growl][] project. I wrote about Growl [here][g1] and [here][g2], but Drunken Batman did a great job of diggin deeper into the subject matter.

Check it out if you’re not familiar with the concept and start using it today ;)

[Growl]: http://growl.info “Growl for Mac OS X”[DrunkenBlog]: http://www.drunkenblog.com “DrunkenBlog” [interview]: http://www.drunkenblog.com/drunkenblog-archives/000341.html [G1]: /2004/10/07/os-x-notifications/ “OS X Notifications with Growl”[G2]: /2004/10/11/some-more-grow-goodness/ “More Growl goodness”


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