Humming like a bee


Maybe the best indicator about one person’s current workload is a sudden drop in posts or PubSub ranking. Fact is, I am currently very busy with my job – I’m doing what I really like doing and I’m at full steam with it.


When I started my new job in November, I took it with me every day, to keep up with blogs, writing posts etc. – something I had done for the last months at my old company. Since February, I left it at home, because I had stuff to do. Even by using Bloglines and doing most of my reading at work, I only barely could keep up reading – well, skimming – my blogroll for good stuff. I didn’t use my PowerBook for more than a couple minutes (overall time) in the last two weeks.

All in all it might seem weird, but for me, having a fulfilling (ICT) work (and a fulfilling off-the-job life ;)) means that I use less Computers. Which is good, after all, eh?.


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