“Two Months ZTD


On time for the year’s end, I also finish my second month of [Zen To Done][0] as my productivity system. After the [start in November][1] and a first month of [collecting and processing][2], the last month was dedicated to planning and doing – just as Leo recommends. There is some progress in planning and doing that I feel. More often than not, I try to figure out my “@mit” and “@rock” tasks at the beginning of a new day or week, respectively. More often than not, I stick more or less to them and finish at least 2 or 3 the day I planned to.


The most troubles I seem to have with the “planning” of my tasks: The ones that have a certain “due date” in the future tend to show up late on my list and even though they might require more than a day to complete, I would probably tag them only a short time before their due date as a Rock or MIT. But I guess with practice and maybe some tweaking of my environment, I might tackle that problem anytime soon. If not, I will simply ask Leo. :) Another troublesome thing is the grouping of tasks into “projects” or “meta-tasks”: Things that somehow relate together but need to be done individually in order to complete the overarching goal of, say, building a house.[^1] Some standalone tools like [Things][6] or [Todoist][5] solve this problem with some kind of nested tasks – but either it’s a Mac-only software (Things) or it has not offline mode (Todoist) – something I love about RememberTheMilk.[^2]

Overall success#

Now, how to measure success? The easiest way is to see how many tasks I actually (really) completed each month. This is (fairly) easy as I started using [RememberTheMilk][3] again to manage my tasks. As you can see from the following chart, there was a surge in July, after which the number of tasks done dropped nearly to zero. The reason here was that I actually stopped tracking my tasks vigorously. That was actually one of the reasons why I started with ZTD in November: I had the feeling that too many tasks slipped through my fingers and were left undone. Given that with a certain variation, I should be able to tackle a certain amount of tasks per month, the two ZTD-months are promising: There was a growth of roughly 8% from November to December – which hopefully are a direct result of my newly-discovered task management. :) Anyway, we will see. Stay tuned for another month of ZTD here at mycvs.org and the results of using a “simple, trusted system” and “organizing” my tasks.

For the records: The exact numbers for each month are the following ones:


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