Project Management blogs

With the advent of the new year, I also got my first real Project Management job at my “new” workplace. That is, not only helping out others with their projects but managing one myself. It’s small but beautiful and I can even do the amount and kind of conceptual work I always wanted to.
Naturally, I started looking for PM resources, specifically blogs. I found some good ones which I’d like to share with you, in the hope that some people might profit sooner or later. My favourite so far is Stephen Seay’s ProjectSteps. It has some insightful postings that I can use in my real life.
When I read his post on Project Failure, I just had to laugh, though:
Just like a successful NASCAR driver, a project manager must learn to live close to the edge of disaster, but while doing so, he or she must aggressively manage their projects Risks.
The image’s just too funny and dangerous at the same time: On the other side of the edge, there is disaster. I hope I learn to drive fast …
Now, here we go with my (incomplete) list of Project Management Blogs:
ProjectSteps (See above)
.pmblog (In German)
Merlin Support (Support Blog for a great PM tool)