WordPress XML-RPC


Update: There is a patch for the WordPress 1.2 version of the xmlrpc.php file that fixes this and a bunch of other things. You can find the patch here.

As usual, this is unsupported by WordPress, Ecto and me.

There are some inconsistencies when posting with ecto to WordPress:

  1. Upon editing a post, the date of the post will change. This completely messes up the permalinks. Baaad. 2. WordPress/Ecto don’t get the time of a post right by two hours. I need better timezone support!

Update: Well, here’s the deal for problem N° 1: xmlrpc.php will use the current time instead of the original dateCreated when you update a post via XML-RPC. I guess, that’s wrong, unless you really want to modify that date – and there, the right dateCreated modifier is sent by ecto.

In order to cure this, you’ll have to modify xml-rpc.php once again. Apply xmlrpc-rc.patch to xmlrpc.php and you’re done. Note: This patch also includes all fixes for WordPress/ecto published previously.

Note to Ölbaum: And yes, today is patch-day.


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