Going Out


Salon Du Palais CocktailTonight, my wife and I are going out. It’s a Gala-Dinner in the wonderful [Salon Du Palais][] at the [Bellevue Palace][] in Berne. Obviously, we dress-up, almost like at our wedding, and I very much like this thought!

Delicious food, great company and dancing. We love to dance but don’t do so much, which is a real pity!

It’s too seldom that we can go out like this, be it for a lack of time or the lack of occasions to do so. We will definitely enjoy this evening a lot and I sure will be a happy man, married to a happy woman.

[Salon Du Palais]: http://www.bellevuepalace.ch/cms/front_content.php?idcat=63&changelang=4 “Salon Du Palais, Bellue Palace, Berne”[Bellevue Palace]: http://www.bellevuepalace.ch “Bellevue Palace, Berne”


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