Oh Happy Day.bis
Two weeks and some days ago, I got married. Obviously, this was the reason for some friend of mine1 to dedicate his first blog entry to me.
Having done this, he “encouraged” me to open my own “blog”, and so I’m sitting here, playing around with this piece of software. But that’s not the point.
As you can guess from the title, this entry is the “followup” to Olivier’s “ Oh happy day” blog, it’s the “bis” blog.
Our wedding day was indeed amazing. We had very good company this day and enjoyed each and every minute (or millisecond, as my wife would say) of this GUID2. If getting married were not that unique, I would get married again and again — of course with the same wife.
With the most important details already being covered by Olivier, I have the honour to thank all of our invitees for being there and having contributed to this extraordinary day.
Be blessed, all of you!
GUID: Globally UnIque Day.